Alimony & Child Support Representation

Alimony (Spousal Support)

In recent years, the Massachusetts Legislature adopted new guidelines for alimony. Depending upon the length of your marriage, you may be required to pay alimony. Marriages of more than 14 years will usually require extended or indefinite alimony payments. Intermediate marriage lengths (7-14 years) can get tricky. Courts may require you to pay alimony until your spouse has the ability to sustain themselves or you may be required to pay for a determined number of years.

If you find yourself in the position of needing spousal support, The Law Office of Sean M. Igoe in Hyannis Massachusetts will evaluate your financial situation and legal options. The income histories and expenses of both parties will be assessed. If you are eligible within the court’s guidelines to receive spousal support, Attorney Igoe will fight to secure the best outcome possible for you. In the event an agreement cannot be reached, he will not hesitate to go to trial to secure your future.

Child Support

The Massachusetts Courts follow legislatively mandated guidelines for child support designed to provide fair support for the custodial parent in every divorce. Once the paternity of a child is established, the father of the child is obligated to assist with child support, particularly if he does not have custody. The court will look at both parents' financial situation to determine how much child support is required. Knowing that the designated child support amounts can often be modified, you will want to understand your rights.

For example, if you are the non-custodial parent and it turns out you are caring for the child overnight for 20% or more of the time, you can often fight for a modification of child support. Conversely, if you are the non-custodial parent, you may be required to pay child support dating back to the date of separation and you may be required to pay healthcare and daycare expenses on top of the child support.

The Law Office of Sean M. Igoe will secure your legal right to assistance from the non-custodial parent under the fullest extent of the law. If Attorney Igoe cannot reach a reasonable agreement out of court, he will take it to trial.